By linda - 22/11/2010 21:14 - United States

Today, I went to get my hair highlighted at the salon. The salonist mixed up my blonde hair dye with some other girl's hot pink and violet dye. Now I look like a cheap hooker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 728
You deserved it 5 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheB0a 5

So blonde, pink and violet ? I don't think a cheap hooker could afford all those colors =P


blonde is so over done anyway. Too many chicks think dying their hair blonde will mean they look super hot, its not a miracle cure ladies. it doesnt turn you into an instant super model.

non natural hair colours rock and do not look cheap when done right

kateky510 0

how do ya put a picture on your profile? like a default!

How is it you didn't ask when you noticed the colour didn't look right when she was mixing it?

iitsbrex3 0

I don't know any hookers that have multi-colored hair. I dont know where you live, but that's not normal.

You probably looked like a cheap hooker as a blonde too

sipher16 0

you sucky sucky? you love me long time? lol I love full metal jacket =D