By Jo - 21/11/2012 05:42 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to the Apple store to try and figure out what's going on with my iPhone. After an hour of speaking to three different geniuses and waiting around, their solution was to "Google it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 931
You deserved it 3 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Perhaps they're not really Apple Geniuses, but rather the meme kind.

Interesting, since google and apple are now rival companies. Anyway I hope you figure it out Op


PEBTAC. If you don't understand that, google it.

Keyboard and chair, table and chair.. Same shit

hanymandy 6

That's apple for you. Usually their solution is to buy another one of their products to fix your currently broken one.

That's unfortunate for you but I have to say, the Apple store closest to my house has always treated me like royalty every time I had problems with my iPhone/ Apple products. I have even been given a home and car charger for "free" at different times when I told them I was having problems with my current ones. My experience is they have one of the best customer services, I ever had to deal with. (:

The one that I've been to in Atlanta is awful. My phone had broken the day before I was leaving to go out of town, so I went there to get a new one. I made an appointment for early in the morning, missing one of my classes so that I could go because I didn't want to travel without a phone, and they took FOREVER and were not helpful at all. I left without a phone and I had to stop by a t-Mobil place and get a cheap prepaid phone before rushing to the airport to catch my flight. They were super busy, but they had plenty of employees there, but they were all very slow even after I told them I had to be somewhere. Ugh never going to that apple store again.

I've dealt with about 6 different stores and never ran into bad customer service either. Op, call the tech support number and tell them what happened at the store. The support line usually gives good support and I don't think the company would appreciate their employees doing what was done to you.

Apple gave you a home? ...shit, I read that totally wrong, because I was gonna go buy an iPhone 5 just so I can get a free house. Be right back -- my Nigerian prince friend is sending me an email.

That sucks! The one where I live are helpful... Sucks to have bad advices from people who doesn't care... Sorry OP

Please say you're not paying them for this!!