By Jo - 21/11/2012 05:42 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to the Apple store to try and figure out what's going on with my iPhone. After an hour of speaking to three different geniuses and waiting around, their solution was to "Google it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 934
You deserved it 3 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oj101 33

Perhaps they're not really Apple Geniuses, but rather the meme kind.

Interesting, since google and apple are now rival companies. Anyway I hope you figure it out Op


natewilson 9

You're suppose to google first, YouTube it, then go to the apple store, and as a last resort, call customer service for help. That's how it goes

Instead of saying it they should have taken you over to their computer and secretly googled it themselves. Atleast then they wouldn't have looked like complete dumbasses.

Just another bullet point on the list of reasons to hate Apple.

That reminds me, a friend of my dad (a real computer geniuse) got a phone call from a man he didn't know, the man said he got his number from Microsoft because they could not solve his problem after 3 days, my dads friend solved it in 15 min O_o

My advice to anyone having any sort of tech problem: google the problem and see if there's a fix you can do yourself. It saves a lot of time and hassle to do a little research beforehand, rather than going through three people at the Genius Bar.

This is why I hate Apple and will never buy Apple products!