By hotmommy - 20/12/2010 00:23

Today, I went to the mall with my daughter. She asked me if she could go see Santa, so I said yes. She made me sit on his lap with her, and that's when I felt something on my bum. Let's just say Santa had a present for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 240
You deserved it 6 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well... It beats the present being for your daughter at least. Santa has got a nice treat for you stowed away in his sack.


Congrats! You've been a naughty girl and Santa still decided to reward you.

lil_miss_blair 0

MILF ALERT! Think of it this way, OP. At least he didn't get hard when your daughter sat on his lap. Wouldn't you rather Santa be a normal guy who gets hard for hot women than a pedo?

my2centsworth 15

If you think about it, that's a good thing. People who get aroused by adults aren't attracted to children. So that endless stream of children, which includes your child, is safe from the threat of abuse by this particular mall Santa. Merry Christmas!

RedPillSucks 31

I don't know if this is actually true. I bet there are lots of people who are both attracted to older and younger people. I don't think being pedo is an either/or thing.

WaitWut22 1

I live in China. I have seen way weirder things than this and more dicusting and dangerous.

you should have sat on his knee. not his ****.

fjretsel 1