By Joel_28 - 01/03/2010 00:33 - Canada

Today, I went to the physician to check my rear because it was hurting. My usual doctor wasn't available, so he was replaced by a gorgeous woman with big cleavage. when she asked me to pull down my pants, she saw that I had a huge hard on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 505
You deserved it 20 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he's a douche because he couldn't contol an uncontrollable function?

Jeez, I hope her hands weren't cold.


that's awesome with having a hot nurse, how did she react

orangesodaftw 0

@ 15 Shut the **** up. I can't help it if you are pissed at me because I said that no one cared that you were first to post a comment on an FML.

quarterback7 0

haha well its her fault she was showing off not urs

just say my behind is hurt but my dick I'd too u wanna check it?

well it sucks but sometimes you can't control it right? so don't worry

maybe next time you should suck it up and not be a pussy.