By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 20:15 - Canada

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and went to the bathroom. That’s when I realized that after passing out with my shoes on last night, my friends decided use a black sharpie and play “connect the dots” with my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 727
You deserved it 19 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what does your shoes have anything to do with it lol and that sucks majorly lol

TheBrianWing 0

Obviously you don't have any asshole friends. When you pass out at a party with your shoes on, it indicates that you were unintentional about losing consciousness and you get messed with. If you are found with shoes off, it indicates you just got bored and went to sleep and need to be left alone.


majorr party foul...thats what that was. but sorry!

Invisable_No_one 0

thats horrible!!! tell your friends to die in hell like i could see them just messing with you but the whole acne thing was WAY TO FAR!

Asher roth. Basically straight out of the song "I love College" "don't pass out with your shoes on (get the sharpie)"

Yeah... what was the point in saying you were wearing shoes? what difference does it make? And use some proactive lol

um hey for all you guys saying the passing out with your shoes on thing is an 'i love college' reference, its been going on for A LOT longer than that, believe me, FYL for getting caught with your shoes on, but YDI because you didnt take them off when you had the chance, hahaha

llSgtScopell 0

When you guys grow up you will understand the part about the shoes haha

yankeessuck2004 0

haha whats with the shoes part lol???

ionelementz112 0

Shoes on = passed out = fair game Shoes off = sleeping = safe