By jibberish - 22/11/2009 00:15 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Pelota - 01/07/2009 21:46 - United States
By shittyemployee - 28/07/2018 19:00
By H-B - 28/04/2009 08:53 - United States
By feartheend511 - 19/08/2010 15:48 - United States
Worst party ever
By Dumbass - 10/01/2019 12:00
By permanently scarred - 25/08/2018 15:00
By nosey - 08/04/2013 19:20 - United Kingdom - Mountain Ash
Out of pocket
By Anonymous - 12/05/2023 03:30 - India - Kannur
By RomanceFail - 02/04/2015 12:51 - United States - Crestwood
By lehonj49 - 21/06/2013 16:10 - Australia - Burwood
Top comments
This is both a FML and YDI. People should know better than to hang around Twifail fans but then again, you were drunk..
you didnt have to get drunk to hook up with a Twilight freak just pick up a hoe in the New Moon theater.
Not all of the people who like Twilight are insane freaks...that one apparently was though :P
6, you are my hero. YD everything. Just be glad she didn't give you a twilight tattoo. I can't believe people have those...
Problem 1, every girl on the planet except my sister is hooked on Twilight. Problem 2, you were both drinking, and you never want to do that when you don't know how they are when drunk. Problem 3, we have no idea if you got laid or not. If you did it was worth it, if not then YDI.
I, too, am a girl not obsessed or even interested in Twilight. Rather read a real book.
I'm a girl and definately not obsessed with twilight. I've read the first book, and it was a struggle reading through the extremely bad writing style. I've managed to finish it, so I can openly say that, yes I have read it, so I do have a basis to criticize it. Don't be so feminist dude :P OP: Def. deserved it for hooking up and being too drunk to remember her biting.
I am a girl...was considering checking out Twilight. Then my friend became a twi-tard and a Jacob stalker. Decided not to read the first book after all. The end.
Today, I woke up after a drunken hook up. I had gotten really into it and bitten the guy's neck a little, because it's ******* sexy... Anyway he saw the bruises, freaked out and called me a twilight *****. I have no idea what he was talking about. FML.
amen to that. the dudes ******* off his rocker to even consider that happening to be a bad thing. who the hell cares if a girl or guy is into twilight
YDI for hooking up with a Twilight fan. Stupid ******* misogynistic shit like that should NEVER be passed off as actual literature. The whole series can pretty much summed up with, "EDWARD CULLEN WAS SO HAWT I CAME GLITTER" I wish I could be a deranged mormon housewife so I could make millions off a book series - based off creepy sexual fantasies for a sparkling douchenozzle - that glorifies/romanticizes shallow relationships based on lust, stalking, and werewolves falling in love with baby children.
you deserve it for not being turned off by a girl into "Twatlight"