By randomguy - 09/07/2012 15:09 - United States - Saylorsburg

Today, I woke up after my pregnant fiancée punched me in the face. Apparently, I rolled over in my sleep and knocked her out of bed. She is still pissed about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 977
You deserved it 12 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's with all the pregnant crazy lady FMLs lately?

Hormones:/ don't worry I'm sure she will get over it


You better be for making up something serious, no one wants a woman pissed at them... especially a hormonal pregnant one. GOOD LUCK

Maybe you should sleep on the couch now...:)

perdix 29

I would make a snide "pregnancy before marriage" remark, but I'm already getting sodomized at the story of the loser who hired a *****-friend who couldn't remember her name.

Ou That's so true, peeople really should be careful, or get married before they have a kid or it's known as a "illegitimate" kid...

perdix 29

Yes, but that kid could become a doctor.

Look on the brighter side, perdix, you won't get pregnant getting sodomized. :P

I am happy just being step dad, looking out for some losers kid and promoting him to success. Amazing the changes I can make. (also respected in Islamic culture, just western culture doesn't respect it enough). Live for the kids. Not every child from a broken home has be shite! Regs Slackness

That's a pretty subtle way to try to get her to get an shmushmortion

Everyone seems to be ignoring the important part. A pregnant girl fell out of bed. Sure it's not your fault but you could've killed your kid.

Given the mass quantities of hormonal pregnant wife FMLs lately its easy to conclude that the lesson of the week is... Don't be silly, wrap your willy. Or even better... Don't be a putz, snip your nuts.

xoxotati 1

I'd be pissed to the baby could've been hurt