By Anon - 10/05/2009 12:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up really early before my mom so I could make pancakes for Mother's Day. I placed everything on a tray and even picked a flower, had a card for her and took it to her bedroom. She said, "You shouldn't have, pancakes are fattening." She took one bite and fed the rest to the dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 296
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Even if she is on a diet one lot of pancakes isn't going to wreck the whole thing.. I had cake and ice cream last week and still lost a pound.

elara15 0

There are recipes for low-fat pancakes out there... or healthy pancakes made from almond meal and skim milk. You could've done your research, but she was still a bitch about it, I'm sorry.

It wouldn't have been so bad if your mom didn't feed it to your dogs right after. That's just a kick to the nuts right there. FYL Oh, and happy Mother's Day!

#18...sry man, my moms not like that...even if she didn't like em she'd at least fake liking em for my sake i feel bad for ya OP, it sucks to be under appreciated, especially for something like this

I would have become a shut-in the rest of the day if that was me. I haven't said Happy Mother's Day to my Mom yet (Phone's charging) and I have a bad feeling she's going to give me shit for not sending her something expensive, even though I'm unemployed.

my mom is harsh - she would have said the same thing about it being fattening - but to feed it to the dogs, my mom isn't that messed up...

Why is everyone getting mad at the mom? If she didn't like the pancakes she shouldn't have to eat them or some women are VERY! concerned about their weight and wouldn't eat them. If she pretends she likes them then he'd do the same thing for other holidays... It was a nice gesture and she acknowledged it by saying "you shouldn't have" but she didn't want them.

lawls 0

hahah, effing hilarious but yeah your moms a bittch !

debbtennis 0

#7 ure a ******* ass hole. and no offence latinos show more emotion then americans. so i dont know wtf is ure problem u ******* red neck. go to effing hell. u show no respect at all.