By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 11:45 - United States

Today, I woke up, showered, and began brushing my teeth. When I started to brush my tongue I gagged, like usual, and threw up a little. What's unusual? I threw up a cockroach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 274
You deserved it 4 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DinosaursAreCool_fml 8

That's nasty (Cleveland voice)

Oh god...I just threw up a little. Cockroach free at least.


That sucks? Did it gross you out even more when you realized what you threw up? :/

Thaaaat's pretty gross. Did puking up the cockroach in turn make you puke more?

wtf? u prob swallowed it in ur sleep

dont wanna thing what else is living in there!

...thats what u get for eating at ur local mexican resturant...

floresmarquezhah 0

I bet half of mexicans are classier and cleaner than you.

Bently24 6

Holy shit! What have you been eating?

I guess you could say *puts on glasses* you had a craving for ****....YYYEEEAHHHH!

floresmarquezhah 0

Oh geez, your life does suck. I know I'd probably faint if that happened to me.

Na na man, that roach was in the sink the whole time, you're weirdo and looked at your puke!