By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 02:36 - United States

Today, I woke up to an early Christmas present on my car. It was a nicely wrapped box containing a dead bird, a half eaten sandwich, and a note reading "MERRY F**KING CHRISTMAS STAN." This will probably be my only Christmas present. My name is Luke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 057
You deserved it 2 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments


yaknowiverse 0
froggeh 4

eminem sent you a Christmas present xD

_overandout_ 10

I think someone's a bad speller - I think the present was for SATAN :)

That was supposed to be from Stan to Eminem. Yep.

Well Luke apparntley Stan and his friend had have alot a fights might want to talk to Stan