By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 17:54 - United States

Today, I woke up with a hangover, a shaved head, and my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 141
You deserved it 24 352

Same thing different taste


you sound hot we should hook up. do you have rubber boots?

well, you deserve all of the above. I'd say grow a pair, but...

Asoman 3

just be happy you got the period ;)

come on, im sure you wouldn't be saying "YDI for drinking" if this happened to you the one time you had a few too many.

MuchDance90s 0

American puritans except when it comes to **** or consumerism, then the high and mighty of this country fall hard

drinking is stupid and here's the proof!

YDI for drinking. I don't feel any pity for you :)