By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 17:54 - United States

Today, I woke up with a hangover, a shaved head, and my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 141
You deserved it 24 352

Same thing different taste


Farion 7

Sounds like a good night to me, minus the period...

Hangovers are Gods way of saying 'Your ROCKED last night'.

Hopersz 0

Lmfaooo. That sucks im sorry lol

RedPillSucks 31

YDI for drinking so much that you passed out. This would have been funnier if you were a man. (Yeah, I know she got her period)

funnier if she was a man? men don't looks so bad with a shaved head a woman on the other hand?!?! no hair!! now that's a cruel prank to pull on chick

nothing like getting drunk at a neonazi rally. lol j/k racism is not cool at all.

beachlova910 0

well that's what you get for being that drunk