By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 17:54 - United States

Today, I woke up with a hangover, a shaved head, and my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 141
You deserved it 24 352

Same thing different taste


ragzilla 0

well, at least you're not pregnant. yet

Or rather, not pregnant anymore... That blood was totally from a miscarriage.

Lmfao op probly ****** a bunch of people too damn **** that period is probly bleeding from your unplanned pregnancy

Are we really meant to feel sorry for someone who got themselves so drunk they didn't notice someone shaving their head? God I miss the days of taking personal responsibility. This should be a wake up call about binge drinking. I'm sick of reading FMLs that are really FM-drinking problems.

drinkings dumb, I hate high school parties like that. HAVE FUN SOBER

i totally agree! if op gets drunk so severely she should probably looking for a solution to her drinking problem!

hey at least your not knocked up. as for the rest - never get that drunk. and search you tube for the video now. I bet it's there. this will be a FML that keeps giving :)

bamagrl410 31

Dammit midnight, you stole my thunder. Great minds think alike I guess lol.

Draminicaus 0

no no no....YDI for binge drinking. lol

Did you remember where you left the continuum transfunctioner?

In this case, the mystery of OP's night is NOT exceeded by its power.

I will never understand why people perform horrible pranks on people when they pass out from drinking.... Perhaps I'm just too classy for my own good.

RedPillSucks 31

It's a good way to teach people not to drink so much. I bet OP wont EVER do that again.

MuchDance90s 0

kinda sounds like Britney spears haha, cept don't think she woke up with her period. more like a baby.