By TheEnglishOne - 23/01/2009 00:42 - United States
By TheEnglishOne - 23/01/2009 00:42 - United States
By iFail - 29/01/2009 17:55 - United States
By totallyembarassed - 07/07/2012 04:08 - United States - Charlotte
By Elizabeth - 11/12/2008 05:13 - France
By englishfail - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By boner - 01/02/2010 20:51 - United States
By d0rk_ - 02/09/2011 20:44 - Canada
By bloodyfreakinawful - 14/12/2012 06:40 - United States - Seabrook
By myself - 20/09/2012 07:00 - United States - Seaside
By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 00:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/10/2021 19:04 - United States
I call an 'eraser' a rubber. That's what everyone here calls 'em.
Eldrakan fails to understand the concept of a cultural phenomenon.
#32 I know, and I call condoms "rubbers' becuase that's what everyone here calls them. I was just making a point that neither of those are proper English. In Germany the word "Gummi" can mean a condom, an eraser, a stick of gum, and other stuff.
Good that when I first made that mistake, I was only grade 6. When I asked I also made the gesture of erasing something, so the girl just corrected me that it's an eraser. =D (Good that kids back then don't have dirty minds like kids nowadays do...)
LOL. I hate writing with pencil, 'cause it's like assuming you're gonna mess up. I like the feel of a pen better, and if I **** up, I get to be badass and scribble over it, as if I was hurriedly writing a ransom note.
They may have been drawing :P
Oh yeah, I used to confused by this from time to time back when I lived in the U.K.
yes, the Beatles are totally still relevant to teenagers! they'll be around forever i think....i'll at least introduce my kids and yeah a rubber can be considered an erases the chances of getting pregnant...?!