By Anonymous - 25/10/2008 16:54

Today, it has been a year and a half since my boyfriend discovered online poker. Annoyed to see him spending every evening playing on his laptop, I threatened him: “Now honey, you have to choose. It’s your poker or me!” Answer: “You are bluffing!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 163
You deserved it 13 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haygurlhay 0
Trix_Disorder 20


This is the first fml I've truly laughed at. That was a brilliant punchline, even if it was fake.

I dont think your straight... probably not even a good pair.

flamencosketches 0

#3 - yeah, that's what I got.

easylazy 0

He was probably talking to the people playing poker!!! A lot of times I say stuff to my computer. He was probably spacing out and ignoring what you said.

Smartass guy you got there. He made my day

helpmeiamblind 0

You should slap him with your dick... you clearly are packin' something huge down there to pull out an ultimatum like that... bitch he didn't officially answer you yet, right? Ask him again. And again. And again. Until he answers. If he chooses online poker over you, he's obviously not for you.

I LOVE that guy. But listen, if you left him, he would have more time to play poker instead of having to listen to you bitch at him. He wins. Stay, and keep on bitching until he's forced to quit so he can get a little peace and quiet.


no this is pretty real lol, I play online poker a lot, if i was playing and got told that I'd deff make a poker reference :P