By Anonymous - 25/10/2008 16:54

Today, it has been a year and a half since my boyfriend discovered online poker. Annoyed to see him spending every evening playing on his laptop, I threatened him: “Now honey, you have to choose. It’s your poker or me!” Answer: “You are bluffing!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 163
You deserved it 13 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haygurlhay 0
Trix_Disorder 20


You're looking at the glass half -empty: he didn't choose you over poker. Try looking at it half-full: at least he didn't choose poker over you! ;)

he's been playing poker he's figured out your tell.

Maybe you should have talked to him calmly about it instead of just dropping an ultimatum.

HighlandShadows 48

Maybe it's time for you to cash in your chips?