By Anonymous - 25/10/2008 16:54

Today, it has been a year and a half since my boyfriend discovered online poker. Annoyed to see him spending every evening playing on his laptop, I threatened him: “Now honey, you have to choose. It’s your poker or me!” Answer: “You are bluffing!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 163
You deserved it 13 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haygurlhay 0
Trix_Disorder 20


ya you're right and no one would say it like her it'd be more like. look poker goes or I go choose now!

zendaddy0 0

show him your full house and he will fold

would of been better if u put "you're bluffing" but i cant judged its ur love life :3

mylifepwnz 0

at least he didn't say poker :3

Read the FML guidelines... No saying anything is fake

mishkaroni 15

Aw, he's witty and probably right. If it's taken you a year and a half to say that phrase then clearly you're not going to leave him over his online poker habits...

Your response should be "no I'm all in for real" and then bitch slapped his ass