By Anonymous - 22/06/2011 05:35 - United States

Today, it was my first day at my new job. My new boss asked me if I was single. After telling him I have been happily married for 6 years, he fired me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 063
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste


KittyJay 3

can't you sue for that???!! what a bastard! >:(

I had a district supervisor tell my manager to let me go because I would not swing over to the Dark Side of the Force.

definitely sue, and if he offers your job back or your rehired by the. judge, just say **** you asshole to your boss and walk away with the money

Osito2011 9

if I was you I would not care about the job. but I would sue his ass for every penny that company have, only because they hired someone like him

savoiefaire 3

doesn't like a great job anyways