By Chloe - 20/12/2010 18:08 - United Kingdom

Today, it was my first day on a £600 a week job. I was fired for being 10 minutes late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 984
You deserved it 65 779

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rule #1 when starting a new job: don't be late. YDI.

robc32ca 4


tykiej 0

You stupid ass. Oh what I would give for a job that paid $600.00 a week. That would help our family so much. Did I mention you are a stupid ass?

I'm on the app but I guess you know my vote. I'm assuming it's some sort of unskilled labour or OP is fairly young and this would've been the first "real" job.

Well considering the federal minimum wage in the United States is $290/week before taxes($7.25/hr), if $600/week is considered low for London, imagine what i is in parts of the US where jobs may pay federal minimum wage.

fakEwOrLD 0

should of planned get there 10 minutes early...better luck next time. I'm on a $900/ week job (:

deafeningsilence 8

I get paid $0 a week because I'm a student.. but even I know it's not "should of".

Ninjafriends 1

Depending on where OP lives and and what income tax she has to pay 600$ a week is not much. A teacher gets payed 5000€ a month where i live and only gets 40% of it on his bank account. So i grow 5 pot plants legally that give 550 gram after 10 weeks or so. This will earn me 5*550= 2750*5€ Which is pretty much. This is ofc under ideal circumstances.

Octwo 16

I hate when people cry about the end results of being a half-assing lazy drain on society

thrAsHeRr9081 16

he was talking about how he was complaining about getting fired, when it was entirely his fault by being late.

OneLittleAdditio 9

how does it make no sense? the op was late it was his/her fault for being late. u gotta kiss a little ass ur first few months unfortunately. They can fire u for anything!

*You're I hope you were being ironic there with using completly the wrong word/grammar there.

No matter what the pay you shouldn't be late, especially on the first day. Way to f-up your first impression.

Fortunately for OP, it's also her last.

Tu l'as bien mérité, il fallait pas être en retard pour ton premier jour, surtout pour un job bien payé comme celui là !

S'il te plaît, parle anglais, c'est pas VDM ! :-)