By gottalovefriends - 23/04/2012 04:04 - United States - Atkinson

Today, it was my wedding day. With my best friend as the priest, she asked, "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" After saying I do, she then turned to him and asked, "Do you want to bang my friend?" Everyone laughed, except my already disapproving father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 956
You deserved it 4 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By the power vested in her, he may "bang her friend"!

SweetlyPsycho 4

Leave it to your friends to make your wedding day something completely awkward! And then...your husband looks your father in the eye and says 'I DO!', like a boss!


NoisyNykkii 10

Your best friend is defenitely a keeper.

Marcella1016 31

*definitely Or "definately" if you'd like to go with the more conventional misspelling. I've never seen "defenitely" though, that's a new one. But "definitely" is definitely the correct selling.

jDCrackpot 7

There's a time and a place for everything. Although it's funny from the outside, I don't think a wedding is the time, or the place for that joke. FYL OP.

Agreed. On the other hand, it's not a wedding without at least one bizarre event, preferably captured on tape forevermore.

Yeah in the toast is one thing; in the ceremony itself. Completely different. Friend should've known better.

I kept mine as light as could be. People attending knew it would be that way too. I hate sitting through stiff ceremonies and wanted it to be a fun thing.

That's yours though. This girls tone indicates she wanted something traditional and more classic. Her best friend of all people should know and respect her wishes.

I don't think OP minded the joke, and apparently neither did anyone else. It sounds like she's more complaining about her dad.

Marcella1016 31

I was wondering why it took so long for someone to say this. I mean, luckily everyone (except the dad) took it well, but're the PRIEST. I understand you're also the best friend, but save it for the toast. "So yeah it's pretty awkward being the priest AND the best friend. Remember that pause before I asked the groom if he wanted to accept her as his lawfully wedded wife? That because I almost said 'Do you want to bang my friend?'" See how that works? You still get to make the joke without being inappropriate during the vows. Yes, I realize OP is not the priest. But basically the priest could've shown some tact and been more appropriate to the situation.

Holidays are going to be super fun in your household. Hide the knives, kid.

Timing is everything when it comes to jokes. That type of joke, is really not something to be done when you're saying your "vows". I get it! It was meant to be funny but it was done in bad taste. Not something I would want captured on video- on a very special day.

tmmundy 17

I totally agree #24....very tacky of her Priest/friend.

I agree it was in bad taste Clearly it wasn't a Catholic priest thou as it was a woman. so I wonder which denomination approves of such a thing?

Sprocket 5
Michael_92 20

Haha it made me laugh too. It's so unexpected from a priest. I am sure the rest of the day is just as fun though. Congrats on the marriage!

Yourheadache 19

your father needs to get over it, thats your life. and btw nice to know you have a fun friend, good luck and congrats op

Depending on the type of ceremony she imagined it as this is her wedding day; she's entitled to be upset. It may be funny, but if she was looking for traditional romantic moments, which judging by this she did, he friend damn well should have known better.

She's not upset with her friend, she is upset with her father because everyone else thought it was funny.

peachezthelette 22

I woulda laughed, too. Wish my best friend was like that! Congrats, though.

NiveaKK 9

Funny friend you got there! I love it when best friends are priests at's so beautiful :)