By gottalovefriends - 23/04/2012 04:04 - United States - Atkinson

Today, it was my wedding day. With my best friend as the priest, she asked, "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" After saying I do, she then turned to him and asked, "Do you want to bang my friend?" Everyone laughed, except my already disapproving father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 956
You deserved it 4 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By the power vested in her, he may "bang her friend"!

SweetlyPsycho 4

Leave it to your friends to make your wedding day something completely awkward! And then...your husband looks your father in the eye and says 'I DO!', like a boss!


Birdie_Sage 0

Your friend is a priest? What is wrong with our world!?!? Your father has every right to disapprove, apparently.

Yes, because between rape, murder, child abduction, stealing, war, etc, a female priest is the BIGGEST problem with the world today... seriously were you dropped on your head as child? Because I was, and even I'm not that idiotic...

perdix 29

And the pope says, "This is why we don't let women be priests!"

It's your wedding day, get off FML.

Just because the FML starts with "Today", doesn't mean the actual FML moment happened today. For all we know, this could have happened years ago, weeks ago, this past weekend, etc. Remember, the "Today" is MANDITORY, just like the "FML" at the end.

katcot99 11

Why wouldn't you hire a professional?

Who's to say her friend isn't a professional?

Who's to say her friend isn't a professional?

The friend's question to the groom says it.

katcot99 11

No professional would say that.

BubbleGrunge 18

Just because her BFF made a joke in the middle of the ceremony, doesn't mean she isn't professional. Apparently, everyone else found it funny, with the exception of OPs father. And, judging from the way OP worded her FML, daddy didn't seem to care for the husband anyway.

Apparently you do not understand A wedding ceremony very serious thing... That was not professional at all

KaelaKhaotic 5

Why would you have your friend be the priest if you knew they were gonna do this?

PYLrulz 17

Your dad needs to lighten up.

Drat! Your husband didn't do so well at paintball I see.

How do you not deserve something like this? Why would you pull in a friend as the priest if you wanted professionalism?

Why on Earth would she say that publicly AT A WEDDING??? Seriously, your friend needs to go to charm school or something.

Yeah, cause hanging out with Flavor Flav is what she needs at this point.