By gottalovefriends - 23/04/2012 04:04 - United States - Atkinson

Today, it was my wedding day. With my best friend as the priest, she asked, "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" After saying I do, she then turned to him and asked, "Do you want to bang my friend?" Everyone laughed, except my already disapproving father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 956
You deserved it 4 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By the power vested in her, he may "bang her friend"!

SweetlyPsycho 4

Leave it to your friends to make your wedding day something completely awkward! And then...your husband looks your father in the eye and says 'I DO!', like a boss!


linkinpark98 23

Hah! Im do doing that when ever one of my friend has a wedding. I'll be the back pew, and just yell it out. :P

I would have said "yeah, but I want to bang you first"

The priest is a woman? What religion are you?

Quoted for you: U.S. federal labor statistics indicate that the number of women who describe themselves as "clergy" increased from 16,408 in 1983 to 43,542 in 1996. As of 1996, 1 in every 8 clergy is female in the U.S. That's JUST the US, but I know Canada has female clergy but I'm not too sure about other countries. It seems more based on religion than country. LDS and Roman Catholic and a lot of Protestant groups still refuse to allow equal standings for men and women in priesthood/clergy.

In my opinion, I doubt this would happen, a priest would never do something like that

Congrats! I hope I can get my priest to say that when I finally get married lol

F0reverAl0ne 5

I couldn't help but think of Joey from "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" from when he married Chandler and Melissa. On that note, I can't tell if it's a FYL or a YDI because your best friend exhibits crazy antics from a TV show :p


My favorite comment on FML. Ever. This even outshadows the comment on the FML where the guy's sister won life sized Twilight cutouts. The comment told the OP he should do something like cutting the crotch out of one of the cutouts, wearing clown makeup, and screaming PEEKABOO at the top of his lungs at the guys sister when she walked in. Funniest comment I have ever read on FML. And you have now beat it. Congratulations.

Your friend is an ass, and should be dis-ordained.

KiddNYC1O 20