By gottalovefriends - 23/04/2012 04:04 - United States - Atkinson

Today, it was my wedding day. With my best friend as the priest, she asked, "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" After saying I do, she then turned to him and asked, "Do you want to bang my friend?" Everyone laughed, except my already disapproving father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 956
You deserved it 4 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

By the power vested in her, he may "bang her friend"!

SweetlyPsycho 4

Leave it to your friends to make your wedding day something completely awkward! And then...your husband looks your father in the eye and says 'I DO!', like a boss!


Your friend was completely inappropriate.

Female "priest?" Mkay. Still, nice. :) Tell your dad to get a sense of humor...

Shockingly, there are female priests and even female rabbis. As far as I know, only Catholics are so antiquated that they refuse to allow women into the seminary.

Tell him to lighten up. He threw his life away, why should he ruin yours?

xStaciexLynnx 15

Where in the FML does it say he threw his life away?

I think he is just trying to make the bride feel better, like her dads wedding sucked, non sexual wife, never took a chance in his life middle management kind of guy.

68 - Please stop making Australia more of a laughing stock than it already is. Be proud of our country all you like, but don't be such an ASShole about it.

79) How is Australia a laughing stock? Our dollar is stronger then the American dollar, it's one of the most wanted get away vacations for tourists and the worst natural disasters that we get are tropical cyclones. No country is perfect.

Maybe because it started off as a prison? I don't know, I have nothing against (most) people from there on an individual basis, but I'll never like it as a whole. That's just MY personal opinion though.

Sorry but I think your friend made your wedding. Your father is in the 1% that thought it was not funny.

fuckmebutdontfml 16

he's now your husband so your father's approval is hardly an issue anymore...

"Priest," or minister? They're not the same. At any rate, your friend sounds delightful and your father will just have to deal.

Your dad will learn to laugh about it soon, hopefully once he sees that you didn't mind either.

Not gonna lie, if a friend had done that at my wedding, then I would have been pretty pissed. Fair enough if you approved the joke first, but I'm guessing you didn't since you wrote this FML to begin with? Yeah, if a friend came out of nowhere and said it (in front of all my closest family and friends) I would have been pretty pissed off.