By Anonymous - 11/07/2013 14:24 - United States

Today, my 13-year-old daughter and I went to a tropical themed restaurant. She wanted a strawberry Daiquiri, so I asked the waitress for a virgin strawberry Daiquiri. My daughter then said, "But dad, I'm not a virgin." FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 834
You deserved it 13 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35
iLike2Teabag 27

Don't pretend like any other generation didn't do their share of questionable things.


mahoney94 6

You know, there's a pretty good chance she's just stupid. I don't think an intelligent person would absent mindedly tell their father that. Maybe she's given a handjob or something, but I doubt it's that bad.

That's how you can tell if a parent beats some knowledge into their children. If it wasn't for a Beating here and there when I was young I wouldn't be how I am. I'd be a brat. Just like the rest of this generation.

TeenageAvatar 0

Sadly, as a 13 year old, I'm horrified to say I see this a lot in school. In Alameda, CA, where I live they tell seventh graders about a site where boys 11 and up can get condoms. But for OP, this is a prime reason why he should start to beat sense and good decision making into his daughter.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

It's better to teach kids sexual education and protection than abstinence. It's good that they are giving free condoms, since young teenagers can't buy them themselves, and you know their hormones aren't going to tell them "Oh well, no condom no sex!" Please.

Whoa. Im thirteen and havent even been on a date! I am sorry for your daughter. Thats not right!

Dang when I was 13 I was was worried about missing Pokemon, not a girl missing her period...

Iniezian 18

I honestly can't contemplate how she thought it was a good idea to say it. I mean, does she honestly expect to EVER be let out of the house by herself until she's 50 now?

life is short .. girls have fun of losing virginity