By anonymous - 14/08/2011 01:17 - United States

Today, my 14-year-old son was terrified of going into the water near our house, because he was scared of having his leg bitten off by a shark. We live by a lake. I tried explaining why it couldn't happen, but he just cowered behind a beach towel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 183
You deserved it 4 820

Same thing different taste


kelsey_katie 17

Tell if he doesn't go in the water the lions will eat him.

HarrietPotter239 0

Check the history on the lake for attacks. Sometimes things like that could actually happen. Saltwater animals can easily adapt to freshwater.

But not really.... The scariest animal that lives in freshwater is probably the alligator snapping turtle. But I'm not even sure if that's freshwater. Bull sharks CAN live in freshwater for up to 4 years, but I doubt one would be in a lake unless it was connected to a river which was connected to the ocean. Shit I'm rambling. Bottom line: your biggest worry at any lake is the Loch Ness Monster.

Squirrelx 5

In our area, we have really big catfish that chill around at the bottom of the lake. But it's usually at the bottom of the dam. They aren't harmful or anything, but I'm just saying. We also have a lot of water moccasins (not sure if I spelled that right) which are dangerous. So it depends on the area.

MrSexyPants 14
MrSexyPants 14

Heck yes, ahead of the curve.

milou_fml 6

At least you don't have to worry about him drowning.

Warcraft_looser 7
KellyIsTheBest32 12

Yeah, I think the movie is in theaters now