By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:45 - Norway

Today, my 3 year old kid wanted to do something nice. I told him he could pick up some of his toys. He washed my new Iphone instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 952
You deserved it 7 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmmmr 0

Fail. Don't let kids or animals near your iphone unsupervised.


may_cause_fail 0

A couple of people have mentioned that the kid was trying to be nice, but I don't see it that way. I'd imagine that the kid was mad that his parent wanted him to clean, so he did something he knew would make his parent mad. Stuff like that happens. Hopefully now he knows not to do it again. :D

ellebell 0
wowfmlife 0

aww how sweet! you cant be that mad at him

"Today, I decided to do something nice for my mommy. I decided to wash her phone. While I was cleaning it, it shocked me within an inch of my life. My mom was more concerned about her phone. FML."

rAdi0k0n 0

how the heck does washing an iphone qualify as good? I mean I know it doesn't, but what was he thinking it would accomplish?

1-Put it in a bowl full of rice for 2 days 2-If not working then put it in a bowl full of bleach that will erase the water marks 3-Then ask for a new one

If you have to tell us specifically that your phone is an iPhone, it only leads me to doubt that your phone actually is an iPhone.

awe, kids are so cute, agreed i'd be mad but come on they were trying to be nice, awe lol

YDI. I'm sorry, but bad parenting. When I was 3 years old I knew better than to wash my parent's iphone. I knew if I did I would wake up sore as hell the next morning.

RavenBlackEye 0

It's clear that some of the assholes here don't have the first clue about parenthood! They just make themselves sound a little silly. Of course they'll be the first perfect parent in the world when their time comes! Haha, my son has pinched my phone dozens of times. Never washed it though but he's only 1! He's broken it (and remote controls!) when he's filled it with slobber a couple of times though - I've just taken it to bits and left it on the radiator for a few days for it to dry out and it's always been fine eventually - hopefully if he didn't totally saturate it that'll work for you!