By Anonymous - 16/01/2014 17:57 - United States - Springfield

Today, my 7-year-old daughter made a new game: hitting me in the groin when I'm not expecting it. She hunts me in the house, hides around corners, and behind furniture to ambush me. She'll even do it if she catches me napping. I'm a grown man living in fear of a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 121
You deserved it 13 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must not hurt too bad considering you don't have balls to discipline and discuss your daughter's actions with her. She's 7! Come on, man! Grow a pair.


kakakarotcake 17

I know what you can do OP. It's this controversial thing called be a parent, and discipline your child.

Quit being afraid of your daughter OP. If she's getting away with this at home, what in the hell is she getting away with at school? She needs to know this isn't right.

you are a parent! Start acting like one...

Hit her in the groin, problem solved.

beaverteaser 16

Sometimes parenting comes down to "I am bigger than you are and I am going to beat the crap out of you!" Not to permanently injure the child, but to teach them never to do that thing again. Good luck.

No. No sane parent would want scare their children into obedience by threatening them with violence. All that teaches is that they should never ever trust their parents or admit anything resembling failure to them. Fear is not respect.

When I was little and my brother and I were bad, mom would come in and set a wooden spoon down, then leave. We'd be much better after that. She never hit us with it. We both love our mom, and she's one of most supportive people ever. I've never feared her. If you fear telling the parent then you know you've done something wrong already and just chatting about it will suffice.