By busybuzzybee - 17/08/2011 00:31 - United States

Today, my asshole of a roommate finally decided to move out. Not only did he take his belongings with him, he took some of mine as well. Including my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 540
You deserved it 2 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RooBooBear 0
Goddess_Rummy 13

That sucks. Find him and steal back your dog ninja style.


nicolegreberis 0

That's unfortunate if someone stole my animal I'd get my baby back safely and then beat the f**k out of the ******* clephftomaniac

gofferurself 10

it is called the police, and in California the phone number is 911. Call, tell them that your frm roommate (insert name here) took your dog. Give them any contact information you might also have, and perhaps a picture of the dog and documentation that the dog belongs to you. Problem solved.

Martha_Plant 8

Get the dog back, and sleep with a family member of his to get revenge.

Awwh I feel got you! I couldn't imagine anyone stealing my dog! Hunt that bitch down, then plant drugs on him. Payback!

Got to the cops and get your shit back?

you know it's just a dog. can't you just buy another one?

u can't just buy another, dogs are like family members! PS. u suck for thinking that

82 is right. it's not "just a dog" if someone took my dog I would call the cops, get my dog back after I pressed charges and then beat the shit out of him.

plant drugs in his workplace! hello jobless!

What is it with people and stealing dogs?!