By Anonymous - 16/04/2013 23:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I got intimate for the first time. A few hours later, we discovered he's highly allergic to my Summer's Eve soap. He looks like he's been attacked by bees. Yay for losing my v-card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 558
You deserved it 8 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why were you using soap? That's not how it's done

So did you not use a condom or what? Douching isn't good for your ******. It cleans itself naturally.


yourmofo 6

Wonder if its not a reaction, but flare up.

Vaginabutter 15

I hope thats not the case for OP's sake.

People. She said summers eve soap not doucheing or however its spelled......

Summer's Eve is a brand of feminine wash, Which means that it's to be used in the ******.

Its not used in the ******. Its used on the outside areas and all over your body. Feminine wash is for all areas of a womans body.

RedPillSucks 31

A womans body? Crap. Gotta change my brand of soap.

Nanael84 6

Well if it was a soap she used on her body don't you think he would've had a reaction to it before this??

Haha, you may want to find a new soap now OP. FYL.

nivaldie 9

Hmmm...but you have to be exposed to something at least TWICE to discover an allergy to it....

I hope for your sake that you're joking.

But... #37... I've only been exposed to you once, & I'm already allergic...

she never said he was a virgin in the first assume too much

No, we just contort our bodies so that there's as minimal contact as possible. Nothing but net! Kidding. :P Summer's Eve is probably the most-recognized brand of "feminine wash," as they call themselves, on the market in the US. I see you're from Germany so you can't really be expected to know that, but I think a large amount of Americans will recognize the product name as being a particular kind of soap, rather than your standard body wash. That's why we've arrived at the conclusion we did.

Stop using soap there. Water is all you need.

To all the people, mostly guys I expect, who are confused about the soap: summers eve is a brand of "feminine" soaps for washing the ******. Which is completely unnecessary and unhealthy in the first place. But it's only used on the genitals.

monnanon 13

but isnt it just a soap thats safe to use in the immeadiate area and not inside. that could account for the rqsh even with a condom. i just find it odd that anyone would reccomend using a soap inside your body

Some of their products are designed for internal use, and some are for the external (but still very sensitive) parts like the labia. The internal ones don't have harsh detergents like body soap, but they still really aren't a good idea.

BellaBelle_fml 23

Too late, she already gave it to him. I don't really believe in signs that supposedly mean you should or should not do something, but don't 'signs' usually appear before you do something? But don't beat yourself up over it.

yanksby7 6

So let me get this straight...your boyfriend had an allergic reaction to your douche during sex, now looks like he's been stung by bees, and this FML is about you? FHL for the reaction, and having a remarkably self centered girlfriend!