By Glutton - 28/01/2010 01:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I started our diet. After a long day of being held accountable for every calorie I ate, I went home to sneak a snack. My boyfriend came over to surprise me, and found me on the couch shoveling left-over Indian food into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 261
You deserved it 49 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP it's because of people like you that United States of America is considered the land of the obese. Giving up on a diet after the first week or so is slightly acceptable, but on the first day? Some people need to come to their senses and realize that posting about their weak commitments/determinations on FML is not the best way to resolve the issue or gain sympathy.

shlee053 2


bloodhoundbambam 0

As a nutritionist once said, being "on a diet" is a crock of shit because it not only means you're forcing a lifestyle change on yourself as opposed to making one, but it also implies that at some point you'll be "off" the diet, and will quickly balloon back to your original shape. Going on a diet is for the delusional that are kidding themselves into thinking they're going to lose weight and keep it off, and these people more often than not simply cut out the fattiest of their foods for blocks of time, while rewarding themselves and otherwise going beyond whatever arbitrary boundaries they set for themselves, which just keeps them fat. People that actually want to lose weight and keep it off for good change their entire eating habits and exercise regularly. And they sure as hell don't sneak food, regarding it as which is kind of pathetic. Tell your boyfriend you can't change.

that's just a poor excuse for "i stuff my face and have no control"

Did you actually read what Nakedsquirrel said? Going on a diet is typically doomed to failure. Changing your diet is what most people need to do, as that's what actually works. The word diet is defined as what you regularly eat. As in, a whale's diet is krill and plankton. If a human's diet consists of highly processed, calorie-dense foods, then that person might just be a whale, too. OP, if you really like Indian food, you should eat it. Depriving yourself of a food that you love will often make you break down and binge. Instead, eat small portions of a healthy type of Indian food. Ideally, cook it at home using fresh ingredients, and monitor the amount of fat and calories that you put into it. Home cooking is the best for switching to a healthy diet, and once you get the hang of it, it's very fun and rewarding.

She probably lost you at "read", didn't she?

no I read it too many excuses for counting calories and binging and depriving yourself of foods you love that you'll break and gorge

YDI. It's not so bad cheating on your diet and being caught by your boyfriend. I would hope you'd man up and tell him what happened anyways. I couldn't imagine having to diet. Just thinking about counting calories makes me hungry, but you guys made a decision to diet. If you're having cravings, maybe you should call your boyfriend to talk about it. It's weird how we think along the lines of 'I was so good today, I deserve x'. Especially when we were good because we didn't have x.. o.0

eating less and mooving more, that's it!!! you don't need some fancy smancy diet. just keep it simple fat ass!! ohh and this is not a FML you suck.

this is a perfect example of a "food addiction". next time you desperately think about food, go and do something else you like. Could be anything; painting, dancing, ... anything that doesn't involve food.

this isn't an fml you are just ******* weak

lilbyrd43 0

I wonder if it's mandatory to start out a FML, with "Today"??!! I've never seen one, that says "last week" or "this afternoon".... hella random thought. Anyways...if you keep sneaking snack packs, you'll never get anywhere with your diet buddy

Concept : An anecdote always starts with "Today" and ends with "FML". So yes, it is mandatory, even if it does not necessarily mean it happened "today", it still has to start with it.

[quote] What's this site all about? contains a daily dose of short anecdotes, based on a simple recipe: in a few sentences, users can tell everyone the shitty moment which ruined their day. These short stories must begin with Today and end with FML. [/quote]

yeah it is mandatory to start with "today" and end in FML.

Nom nom nom yum [belch] Oh, aaaaaa hi honey, didn't expect to see you here so soon. What? Oh this, its just a snack, no really, like um... I'm having a diet cola with it, so you can see I'm trying. No no wait, OK ****** you get the hell away from my twinkie stash because if you touch it you will draw back a bloody stump! I told you I would try and I'll do it at my own pace damn it! Can you give me a ride to Wendy's, their chicken nuggets are like diet food right? Oh, I shouldn't have started this on "that time of the month" I'm bloated anyway. What can I say, this one amused a few brain cells. ;)

catkat1988 17

Don't ever go on fancy diets. Just don't. You always end up depriving your body of importants nutrients, giving yourself insane cravings and eventually giving in. Plus, most pre-structured diets prescribe less calories than your body actually needs, which means you'll just be hungry - and resisting hunger is not easy. Getting food when you're hungry is a strong instinctual drive, and few healthy people can resist it for longer periods of time. If you do manage to, it'll make you feel crazy and miserable. I've got a better idea if you want to cut out the most unhealthy foods from you diet. If you tell yourself you cannot have certain foods, you'll immediately start craving them, only because you're trying to make yourself NOT think about them! So instead of attempting to force yourself to not crave and eat specific foods, try focusíng on finding healthy and delicious things to eat. I've you're really craving something you probably shouldn't eat, then have a little bit of it - otherwise the craving is just going to persist until it drives you insane -but try not to overeat. Always eat something before going to a grocerystore, otherwise you'll automatically reach for the things that are rich in sugar and saturated fat, and when you're there, make it a game to be creative with ways to eat all different kinds of fruit, vegetables, whole grain products, low fat dairy products (these are seen as unhealthy, but in reality they're important as you need your calcium!) and meat low on saturated fat such as chicken and fish. Be creative, try out new recipes you find, or just do whatever works for you. Just don't ever religously try to avoid any food - just focus on all the delicious and healthy things you could eat, and you'll find that when you're full from nutrious and healthy meals, you won't crave the other things so much.

Yes! A sensible and reasonable approach that is likely to work!

girlygirl666 0

This comment should be required reading for all students from Elementary to Post- Grad. Excellent and sensible advice! Well done.

If your going to be on a "diet", research well (and I dont mean the st*pid crap in womens magazines) and/or get help from a nutritionist, exercise regularly and ffs, be sure you want to do it and change your eating habits and make use of some willpower.