By Glutton - 28/01/2010 01:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I started our diet. After a long day of being held accountable for every calorie I ate, I went home to sneak a snack. My boyfriend came over to surprise me, and found me on the couch shoveling left-over Indian food into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 261
You deserved it 49 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP it's because of people like you that United States of America is considered the land of the obese. Giving up on a diet after the first week or so is slightly acceptable, but on the first day? Some people need to come to their senses and realize that posting about their weak commitments/determinations on FML is not the best way to resolve the issue or gain sympathy.

shlee053 2


Because no one here has ever ****** up a diet, I'm assuming, and every single commenter is as skinny as a rail. Bullshit.

050294 0

They're only acting like this due to their anonyminity and low self esteem.

perdix 29

Well, if he succeeds on the diet while you fail, do you think he is going to waste his newly-hot body on your lumpy, whale-like blob? You either need to keep up with him on this diet, or sabotage him. The latter is much easier;)

tdawgheath 0

That's a stupid way to diet. You should eat incrementally less each week, that's the real way to lose weight. And it lasts. And you won't be dumb and shovel nasty food down your throat for the sake of being a fatass anymore.

A complete lack of self control is your own fault. Instead of dieting, start eating healthy and live and healthy live style. You should want to have a healthy weight, not be skinny. Do it for the right reasons and you will succeed. Meanwhile, undoubtedly YDI.

never reward yourself when on a diet with food... you'll just put yourself back to square one!

YDI! If you wanna lose weight, stop complaining and actually try. NOT an FML.

ehgarcia331 0

There is nothing wrong with being fat but yes Obesity is a major problem. Diets suck especially when ur mind and body must be deprived of daily nutrients. Instead exercise, just run about a mile everyday with the ambition and mind-set to lose weight. Trust me I weighed 210 and dropped to 179 in six months.....and I'm only 14

This is Totally a FML, because you're supposed to come on here and admit something pretty embarrassing. It's not to gain sympathy per se but of course it should. I mean, it's pretty judgmental to act like you've never done something pretty embarrassing such as break a diet on the first day, or get caught by your boyfriend doing something you shouldn't. I'm sorry if your ability to relate to people is low, but it seems kind of pointless to come on here and scream at someone about how breaking a diet on the first day is bad when, ITS PRETTY OBVIOUS THEY KNOW THAT :P Since it's their FML.