By Anonymous - 18/08/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went on our 2nd date. We decided to get to know each other with a game. I asked him what makes him nervous. He said "talking to really attractive girls." I then asked him if I was making him nervous. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 330
You deserved it 15 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AliMarie 0

Second date and he's your boyfriend? Are you 14?

Doesn't have to mean you're not attractive. He just feels comfortable around you... or he didn't want to embarrass you


Soitgoes74 0

YDI for fishing for compliments and calling him your boyfriend after one lousy date. Apparently he's not as into you as you are into him.

Then what do you want to call it? It's not like being bf/gf is a very big commitment, unless I'm missing something, in which case please tell me. What reeaaaally annoys me is when people on facebook say they're "married" to someone when they're 14 and in a relationship for 5 months.

Ouch... For everyone arguing about it...technically I never went on a "date" with my boyfriend and we were together for six months. We did a lot of walking, coffee drinking, mall loitering, and we hung out at my place to watch movies and listen to music. He never took me out for an actual "dinner and a movie" date (well sort of, once...), but I was okay with that. OP the fact that you are still in the "getting to know you" phase and are calling him your boyfriend is a bit...well he might not even be interested in you...

predatedcow 0

To everyone criticizing her, she may be young, i know if thats the situation, you consider each other bf/gf sometimes even before the first date. Second, OP, ur an idiot, if you're bf and gf he's not going to be nervous around you, he's going to be comfortable around you.

When will stupid bitches learn that fishing for compliments they don't deserve is just stupid? Also, 1 date makes him your boyfriend? Get the **** over yourself.

nuutsacker 0

Today i went on, read this FML, didnt find it funny, and wanted to punch the moderators in the dick. FML. why is this an fml??? whoever moderated this should take a bath with a toaster.

morgan020 0

haha you set your self up for that one lol.

nuutsacker 0

Today, i went on, read this FML, didnt find it the least bit funny, and wanted to wipe my ball sweat all over the moderators. FML.