By Anonymous - 18/08/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went on our 2nd date. We decided to get to know each other with a game. I asked him what makes him nervous. He said "talking to really attractive girls." I then asked him if I was making him nervous. He said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 330
You deserved it 15 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AliMarie 0

Second date and he's your boyfriend? Are you 14?

Doesn't have to mean you're not attractive. He just feels comfortable around you... or he didn't want to embarrass you


GAH HUSH UP IT DOESN'T MEAN HE THINKS YOU'RE UNATTRACTIVE! Maybe he just means he's not nervous around you... despite only having gone on two dates... Geez you're an idiot. He probably just feels natural around you, because he's known you for a while, maybe? I mean I doubt he's your "boyfriend" otherwise... And for all you people, GOD. Maybe he asked her (or she asked him; you never know) "Will you be my girlfriend/ boyfriend?" and they've only gone on two dates so far... chill, people. The OP's not necessarily a creeper...

YDI for putting yourself in that situation =// Sorry. Don't ask if you aren't ready for the answer.

LOL! That is not a question a New Jersey girl should ever ask.

lmao first of all you're not dating because Jersey girls aren't trash, trash gets taken out.

Boyfriend and 2nd date are not compatible phrases. You must be 13 to think he's your boyfriend after a single date.

DontBeADouche 0

He is an ass I don't care if this is was the first ten minutes of your first meeting he should be respectful and polite. And she was not fishing for compliments she was continuing the conversation. She didn't say " oh I look so ugly" when she knows she looks good she was flirting! You all need to lay off.

your chose a douche just so you wouldn't feel lonely....he's probably cheating on you, but you think it's ok because he cares about you and that's why he does it.

i know, right! you're going to "get to know" your boyfriend?? does he know he's your boyfriend?

My first girlfriend was my friend first, and we didn't go out on a date until 3 months into our relationship. Its not creepy to be bf/gf after a first date in that situation. Although she did say that they were getting to know each other, yet still bf/gf. That is creepy....