By Anonymous - 31/10/2010 18:25 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend borrowed my Jane Norman dress to wear to a Halloween party. He got hammered, threw up all over it, and fell unconscious on the shower floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 798
You deserved it 7 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend borrowed your dress, and you're only worried that he threw up on it? Uhh... I don't wanna be the one to tell you, but...

yusaku02 20


Oh no! Not jane norman! Vain douche...

Devin91 20

either yur bf is anorexic or yur fat just saying because thats weird that he fits into yur dress .

boatkicker 4

So what if OP is fat, or her boyfriend is THIN (seriously, what's with people calling thin/underweight people anorexic? Not cool. Anorexia is not the only cause of people being ridiculously thin.) Besides, her being fat or him being thin aren't the only options. I'm quite thin, my fiance is average sized, and I'm sure he could fit into my favorite dress. Funny thing about certain types of fabric is that they stretch. Another alternative, her boyfriend is short, and OP is tall. Assuming both are of average proportions, a shorter guy would also be smaller around than a taller one, and a taller woman would be larger.

Jane Norman clothes are notoriously small. Usually, they're made of non stretchy material - the sort of dresses that you can't just 'squeeze into' because halfway up your hips, you'd hear a crack and a rip and have to ask for help to be cut out. I believe that is what #39 was getting at. Anyway, anorexic is a common term for the terribly skinny, as crude as it may be.

boatkicker 4

I'm aware that it's a common term. That's why I posted that side rant. If it was just a one time thing, I would have made it a whole lot shorter. I don't approve, at all. Anyways, I've never heard of Jane Norman until this FML, and someone above said that it's only in the UK. Since I'm from the US, I have no way of knowing what sort of fabrics it'd be made of.

wow it's hilarious how all the bitches complain about what type of dress it is just stfu nobody cares about ur opinion and ur guy is a cross dressing ******

Good job Jane Norman, whoever you are. I wish I could put my name on some overpriced made in china crap and get rich off of selling it to suckers at 12,000 percent mark-up.

well when he woke up did u give him a high five?

DGAFprincess 0

you and your boyfriend wear the same size?

it was probably blessing in disguise jane norman aren't famed for their beautiful dresses

Kennedy182 0

kinda worried about your bf being able to fit into your dress

he fits into ur Jane Norman dress... well ok then.....