By Anonymous - 24/03/2009 10:41 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came over for dinner, but couldn't eat because he had just gotten his tongue pierced. My grandpa heard this, winked at my boyfriend and said "Can't eat now, but I bet that's all you'll be doing in a few weeks..." My super protective father was sitting right next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 954
You deserved it 9 593

Same thing different taste


sexxxy_lexxxy 0

your grandpa is ******* awesome.

That was more embarrassing for your boyfriend than it was for you, I'm sure!

If a girl has a tongue ring she'll probably suck your dick. If a guy has a tongue ring, he'll probably suck your dick.

exactly. what kind of guy gets a tongue piercing?? must be some weird bi or something

tsume24 3

I'm a female, and my tongue piercing is purely ornamental with a beautiful piece of jewelry in it. is that really so unheard of? not everyone gets their tongue pierced "to suck dick." god that's such a close-minded assumption.

Yeah, thats pretty awesome of your grandpa. He was probably ******* with your dad, too. I hope I have a good sense of humor when I'm old.

I guess if you have it, you have it for life:)

i thought all old people were super conservatives and never knew teens did this stuff...

hootersgirl09 0

Hahaha. And to the people who say it's not, this IS an FML. Read between the lines, it's suggesting that her boyfriend is going to eat her out and her over protective dad is right there. Sooo awkward.

Or perhaps gramps thinks this kid could be hungry for some actual food? I hope you made the moment incredibly awkward. oh well, enjoy it while ya can!