By Anonymous - 24/03/2009 10:41 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came over for dinner, but couldn't eat because he had just gotten his tongue pierced. My grandpa heard this, winked at my boyfriend and said "Can't eat now, but I bet that's all you'll be doing in a few weeks..." My super protective father was sitting right next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 954
You deserved it 9 593

Same thing different taste


And Grandpa for the win.......SCORE!

thats awesome i love grandparents who still think like young teenagers haha

What's the point in him coming over for dinner if he can't eat? Could have just waited until after....

Time_Flies_09 0

I guess this could be a sexual comment...

loopy_fml 0

I'm guessing he's your maternal grandfather.

justjayit 0