By cai - 29/10/2011 08:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend finally proposed to me. He was drunk and won't remember any of this tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 635
You deserved it 3 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omgthatsosuppera 4

Keep the ring and he'll buy another one

If he had a legit ring, maybe he has the intention to propose in the future. All hope is not lost.


blackvyper 8

Better marry that sucker tonight then. Catch a red eye to Vegas.

At least you know that it's there subconsciously. Yay! /positive thinking

OP's bf need to be drunk to expess his true feelings. Nagative thinking

thallpma08 4

When you're drunk, you do speak the truth. Brutal honesty at its finest, but really. He may not remember, but he probably had intentions of proposing anyways, sober or not.

rainbowbigbird 7

Honestly... Alcohol isn't a "truth serum" and it doesn't bring out your subconscious... All alcohol does it heighten the feelings you have "at that moment." OP. He may care for, love you and want to marry you, but I would most certainly wait until your man is of sound mind before you enter into a marriage. This is kind of a big deal.

My boyfriend does this to me all the time, I've gotten so used to it that it's weird when he gets drunk and doesn't propose.

LinTurk 4
Steve95401 49

Their honeymoon will be spent at the Betty Ford Center.