By ShittyProposal - 20/10/2013 07:06 - United States - Columbus

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years drunkenly proposed to me, while sitting on the crapper, with the door open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 263
You deserved it 4 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Jazmine453 8

I thought it was cute... I would at least have gotten a good laugh out of the situation.

At very least, this is certainly a very original way to propose.

There is a time and a place for everything. Maybe you should ask him to take more time planning important things, and maybe close the door when using the loo.

evan_7899 28

Oh shut up, its not a pitty site and I can safely assume OP didn't post this to get pitied, its FML, f**k my life

JMichael 25

Did you say yes, and see if he remembered the next day?

perdix 29

Congratulations! I suggest that you get the ring sterilized. And maybe your fiancé. The gene pool will thank you.

"What does a guy need to do to get a blumpkin around here?" :P

Brace yourselves. "A better love story than twilight" comments are coming.

perdix 29

#20, not mention the barrage of "shitty situation" and "I hope you mean ex-boyfriend" bombs. I'm boarding up my windows as we speak.

I guess you can call this a Shitty Situation...I hope she means ex-boyfriend..

Way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone there.

What a shitty situation! I hope you mean "ex-boyfriend," even though it's still a better love story than Twilight! Do I get a prize?

perdix 29

#24, no. I'm huddling in a dark closet eating beef jerky and listening to a battery-operated radio waiting for the "all clear."

evan_7899 28

*ksssh* Folks we are gonna have to wait for the retard commentors to leave, its gonna be a few weeks for all the "shitty situation" comments to be fully burried. Just hold out men. *ksssh*

Sounds like a shitty way to get proposed to.

Rainhawk94 27
klovemachine 24

Purpose and propose have two entirely different meanings. Go get Webster next time. :)

Now you can say you have done EVERYTHING