By River - 18/07/2015 04:08 - Oranjestad

Today, my boyfriend's idiotic friend shoved me into a stream so I could be "reunited" with my family, since my name is River. The first thing I saw as I climbed out, soaking wet, was my boyfriend high-fiving his friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 596
You deserved it 2 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP, They both sound like immature asshats. You shouldn't be with someone that won't stick up for you.


Your boyfriend has got the best best friend ever! ?

Wow, what a couple of twats. Dump his ass.

I was a bit worried before you said your mane was River. I thought you were about to say your family had drowned. I know. I have quite a morbid way of thinking.

TRexYouUp 8

Sorry about your boys horrible friend , but on the flip side my lil brothers name is Rivers. Not that you care but I thought it was cool.

If he's not your ex-boyfriend now, then YDI.

jlujan00_fml 9

Wow being a melodramatic violent asshole wasn't the answer?

It's just a joke. Lighten up. Same for all the commenters. I would want to be with a girl who can't hang out and be cool. Unless you are always being mistreated, laugh about it