By River - 18/07/2015 04:08 - Oranjestad

Today, my boyfriend's idiotic friend shoved me into a stream so I could be "reunited" with my family, since my name is River. The first thing I saw as I climbed out, soaking wet, was my boyfriend high-fiving his friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 596
You deserved it 2 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP, They both sound like immature asshats. You shouldn't be with someone that won't stick up for you.


Another person named River, yay! I definitely understand the downsides to our name, never been pushed into a stream but I've certainly heard all the jokes! Sorry to hear your boyfriends mate is a tosser.

That's a dick move from your boyfriend and his friend, but it did make me giggle

I would say bye bye boyfriend and don't let the door hit us on the way out! Or just kick him to the curb, what an assmunch!!

Hopefully you didn't have your phone in your pocket!

Next time you see dog poop, push either your boyfriend into it and say you are reuniting him with his family.

I would ditch your "boy friend" since that's not freaken cool at ALL that he high five his friend for doing that to you!

Why is this an FML, your name is River, that is amazing!

I am not going to tell you to dump him, but I do suggest you really think about how he treats you and whether or not he supports you. I now have 20/20 vision when looking back on my marriage that lasted 19 years. I had a similar experience when we were still dating where he didn't have my back when his friend disrespected me. It was just a sign of things to come and many years of him not being there for me. You deserve more respect than that. On a side note, I love the name River and that guy wasn't funny nor even clever in his lame joke.