By River - 18/07/2015 04:08 - Oranjestad

Today, my boyfriend's idiotic friend shoved me into a stream so I could be "reunited" with my family, since my name is River. The first thing I saw as I climbed out, soaking wet, was my boyfriend high-fiving his friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 596
You deserved it 2 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry OP, They both sound like immature asshats. You shouldn't be with someone that won't stick up for you.


River is a great name. And shoving someone into a stream for no good reason isn't "fun", it's just stupid and immature.

Oh, cry me a river... But seriously though. Both of them are assholes

tediruxe 13

Honey that should be EX boyfriend. No good man does that just immature boys who will forever be single.

I'm sorry but that is hilarious. having a sense of humour is important these days. I say laugh it off and start plotting your revenge

break up, Pronto. immature asshats, the both of them

another reason they didvthat was because you was wearing a white button up shirt

You should insist him on changing his name to Lava or Deep Fryer

and that would be the moment I'd dump the guy. sorry you got pushed into the stream OP you didn't deserve that at all