By anonymous - 14/05/2012 10:31 - United States - Havelock

Today, my boyfriend started laughing during sex because my boobs are slightly different. He then broke up with me after I pointed out that his nuts aren't exactly even either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 676
You deserved it 6 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toenibbler 14

One does not simply joke about other peoples' private parts, it generally ends badly.


drarmstrong 8

The irony of course is that both of you are completely normal by being slightly uneven. What isn't normal is his maturity level. OP, you are better off without him.

You are infinetly better off without this "little boy" cluttering up your life with his childish problems. Sounds like the nuts that were the most uneven were the ones in his head.

I think you hit that exchange right on the head Noor. Except you forgot to put in the "crying" sounds the BF made when OP said his nuts were uneven.

Everybody seems to be missing the obvious....Doesn't matter...had sex.

I don't understand all of these people who are (physically at least) grown adults but who break up over the tiniest thing. Be a bit more realistic and a bit less sensitive the lot of you! Your BF may not have noticed this but NONE of us are perfect, either physically or in any other respect. You clearly find each other attractive and we're not told of any other incompatibility. What IS going to be good enough for your now-ex if slightly asymmetric boobs are laughable and observation of a perfectly natural physical arrangement provokes a break-up? Bloody Disney. Bloody Hollywood. Bloody ****. Bloody Happy-ever-plastic-surgery. Remember: None of it is REAL! We are all just animals and animals are a bit odd and lumpy and farty and funny-looking sometimes but that doesn't need to be a bad thing because they are also funny and unique and exciting and sexy and all sorts of great things. Just deal with it.

Nearly everyone has one bigger foot, one bigger boob, one bigger ball. Everything (well not too many people have noticeable boobs _and_ balls but they would if they did, if you know what I mean). The fact that the BF's balls are expected to be asymmetric makes it all the more idiotic for him to break up over it.

It is my understanding that one nut is suppposed to be lower than the other to help "prevent collisions".

KiddNYC1O 20

If you can't take the heat...

JadeWalker 14
Shadow_Phantom 26

Better off without him, OP. You'll find somebody better. :D