By Mak1 - 05/12/2008 08:12 - Belgium

Today, my boyfriend told me in a very natural way that my mother is better at sex than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 729
You deserved it 4 691

Same thing different taste


@#27: I thought the exact same thing. Lmao.

AntiChrist7 0

you choose an ass, your own fault. YDI

@27 and 29 So did I. And from the answers this got, I think quite a few people did. Either way? Ewuh. Id never do my boyfranns mom XD

ok ive stoped laughing, now i can right somtin constructive....if that guy thinks that way, let him go, and if thats wat really happened, i say tell ur mother wat u think and, if i were u, stay away from both of them

that is FCCKED up[; get it? i do . :D

Did you follow up by telling him that his dad is better in bed then he is too?

chyruxcha 0

Lol 27 I thought the same. Wow that is fyl matrial