By Mak1 - 05/12/2008 08:12 - Belgium

Today, my boyfriend told me in a very natural way that my mother is better at sex than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 729
You deserved it 4 691

Same thing different taste


There's some that would sadly. And maybe the boyfriend was with OP's mom before OP dated him.

Draeven_fml 0
piney123 0

This is Jerry Springer material!

ladlesman 0

I hope he means cuz she was pregnant before... even so thats a really weird thing to say

itman3456 0

that sounds fun and baby girl if you wanna get better come talk to puff daddy lolzz

Slap him and call your mom a bitch for ******* him then go **** him better than your mom did. just a thought though ^_^ ANIME RULES

aliceivers 0

would def happen cuz men are idiots and most will fukk anything w/o regards to anyones feelings...selfish men. yes i am having marriage issues at the moment, that does not make my comment any less true.

budd28 0