By Mak1 - 05/12/2008 08:12 - Belgium

Today, my boyfriend told me in a very natural way that my mother is better at sex than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 729
You deserved it 4 691

Same thing different taste


angie420x 2

I just found out this kid I know recently ****** my ex boyfriends mom.. she wasnt good looking at all when I knew her 6 years ago, I can only imagine what she looks like now... Anyways..I believe it happened

blondiee09 0

I have a guy friend who had sex with this girl and her mother. It does happen, people.

wow y would ppl like u guy even say that fml

Omg I read that wrong and I thought it said "that his mother is better than sex at me...." :-|