By Mak1 - 05/12/2008 08:12 - Belgium

Today, my boyfriend told me in a very natural way that my mother is better at sex than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 729
You deserved it 4 691

Same thing different taste


spidergirl41 0

He was probably kidding, but if he wasn't, break up and bang *****...or if your a girl break up and get laid

Did you not read the beginning of the FML?

blahblahblah43 0

Mmm. Well this is just interesting. It may be true, these kind of things do happen. I had sex with a mom. But it wasn't my girlfriends mom, it was my female friends mom. I was 18 her mom was 35. She had her when she was 17, yes, that's nothing new. After she found out, she laughed and didn't believe it until her mom confirmed it, were still close friends to this day.

I can think of ONE way this could be normal (somewhat). Your mom turned 18, adopted you at 17years and 364 days old, and then your bf dated your mom, and then dated you.

That would be hot, #42. Very, very hot.

plaastik 0

i post comments with the bright side normally, but there is not a bright side to you.