By Mak1 - 05/12/2008 08:12 - Belgium

Today, my boyfriend told me in a very natural way that my mother is better at sex than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 729
You deserved it 4 691

Same thing different taste


this is just wrong in so many ways..

ha id b pissed... but hes pry not for real. but even so, somethings wrong for him to even say that..

Oh get over yourself. The mom is just as at fault as the boyfriend.

MSvictoria 0

Has anyone heard the song..'Motherlover' By The Lonely Island? The second after I read this, I thought of it. Y'all def need to hear it. It's very catchy:)

zlynch37 2

Learn from your mother, incest is real.

chubby_choco 17

Don't...just don't think too hard about how he knows that.