By Snufflopagus - 01/01/2014 13:26 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, my boyfriend told me that sometimes my nipples taste like onions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 468
You deserved it 10 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes we really are what we eat... Might wanna check your diet then OP...

Well, does he like onions...? It could be a compliment


Give the boy some bagels and cream cheese to go with them... or play ring around the nipple with :)

Seeing as many people report BO issues that smell like garlic or onions, I would fathom a guess that this is probably due to the timing of his attentions during your shower schedule and your cycle.

Cut em off. Your boyfriend, that is.. Not your nipples.

Now if you could only get them to taste like nacho cheese, you might have a higher class of boyfriends.

rinoa_fml 10

Lol wtf.... If he's bothered by it just take a shower befor u do it with him .... Other then that don't eat onions

Don't get a nipple piercing or you'll cry

That sounds like a personal problem you might wanna check