By Snufflopagus - 01/01/2014 13:26 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, my boyfriend told me that sometimes my nipples taste like onions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 468
You deserved it 10 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes we really are what we eat... Might wanna check your diet then OP...

Well, does he like onions...? It could be a compliment


dip your **** in batter and deep fry them

Yeah so I asked my boyfriend if my nipples tasted like onions and he said "It's not what you think it is" so, yeah mine do too. I also googled it apparently it's a common question that nobody really knows the answer to.

Dairyblues 0

Due to your chemical makeup and especially your estrogen levels, it's very common for a female to naturally smell/taste like onions. You can research the natural scents for males and females. While it's common for men to smell like eggs, is common for girls to smell like onions or grapefruit.